a lovely living

Holiday Gift Guide: Kids

Hi guys! Today I’m sharing a gift guide for all those littles ones on your list. Whether you’re shopping for your own children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren or special friends, there’s a good chance you’ll be able to check them off here! Also, my guide from last year is just as relevant and most of the links should still be active for you, just in case you needed any more ideas.

: What kid doesn’t love a cute playhouse? There’s something about them that brings out the creativity in kids and keep them entertained endlessly!
Cuddle & Kind: I shared these dolls last year and had to include one again because they are just too cute! My girls have the bunnies and
Art Box: For all of your little artists! Madelyn is my little crafter and I love enabling her and providing as many supplies as I’m able, but if there’s a way to keep things somewhat organized with a kit like this, I’m all over it!
Smart Watch: Jack has had one of these for a few years and he and Madelyn both love it. They can take pictures and video with it and they love timing themselves as they set up obstacle courses and races through our house.
Disney Jewelry Box: Such a sweet gift this would make. You only have to narrow down which princess for your own little princess.
Firehouse: A fun play set for all of those kiddos that love their firetrucks! This two story firehouse will thrill them and encourage their imagination.
Water Wow Books: My cousin introduced me to these a while ago and I have kept one in my car ever since. The paint brush is filled with water that is used to paint a beautiful picture that eventually dries so that it can be used over and over again! Mess free and perfect for toddler and preschoolers.
Laser Tag: If you have older children, this is a gift that would most certainly excite them. I don’t love finding Nerf bullets all over the house, but lasers I can handle!
Alphabet Puzzle: A great gift for your preschooler, these alphabet puzzles make learning fun (and I sound like a commercial, lol).
Fingerling: I really can’t explain these, but all I know is that they are towards the top of both my daughter’s Christmas lists. They come in various colors and animals and they talk to you as well.
Coffee Set: If your children are like mine, they want to do everything they see us doing. Making coffee is no exception! We were gifted this set last year and it’s gotten a ton of use and goes perfectly with their play kitchen.
Princess Castle: Such a sweet gift for the littlest babes on your list. I love this adorably soft castle!

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