Happy Friday, guys! I’m so thrown off this week with my son having off school yesterday and today, I can’t keep track of what day it actually is! I was laughing with my husband yesterday because I forget just what a Chatty Kathy my son can be. It was very apparent to me as my husband was working, my daughter was napping and my son could barely contain himself during our ‘quiet time’. I’m very thankful he is so willing and open to share everything and anything with me and I hope that doesn’t change too much in the future. I hear all too often how parents need to pry information out of their kids and I just chuckle in my head because I could basically replay every school day in my head for my little guy! Oh peace and quiet will come someday, right? I know, I know, and then I’ll want the commotion ;)
Here’s a look back at my week:
1) My handsome, chatty, sports fan living it up during football season.
2) After last week’s little huge mishap, we’ve begun making some small steps forward.
3) Chilly weather brings out the fleece leggings.
4) Great report at Jack’s first Kindergarten teacher conference. Thankfully he remembers his manners when he’s out of the house! He couldn’t wait to start studying his new ring of sight words that his teacher gave to us. I so admire his eagerness to learn!
5) I forget what life was like before I had a local Chick Fil A. It’s just about the only fast food I can stomach and the kids are guaranteed to let off some steam! SO much so that I couldn’t get a single non-blurry shot of them!
Have a great weekend!!
Linking up with The Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday!