a lovely living

High Five for Friday

Well this is one week I was not wishing to rush. Today I am having all four of my wisdom teeth removed and not exactly looking forward to it. My week began full of excitement as my husband and I were in NYC (which you probably know based on yesterday’s post), and is going to end with me looking like a chipmunk. If you don’t get a fashion post next week, you’ll know why!

My week looked a bit like this…


  1. It’s a good thing I’m going under because I don’t think I’d let the surgeon in!
  2. Call me crazy, but since I’m not going to have the option to eat solid foods, I figured I would try a juice cleanse which I have been wanting to do for a while now. My girlfriend has done it a few times and highly recommended it. I’ll be sure to share more on this once I get through it! They arrived yesterday and are waiting patiently for me to return home puffy faced and thirsty.
  3. I was able to connect with one of my best friends from college this week (she’s in the middle) along with one of her close friends from her hometown who happens to now live in my town…small world! Two lovely ladies that I thoroughly enjoy spending time with.
  4. My son came home from school with this “H is for Hero” cape. I’m thankful for the creative teachers he has in his life!
  5. And of course, NY, where my week began and where my mind will hopefully be during surgery!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Linking up with Lauren Elizabeth today for High Five for Friday and The Diary of a Real Housewife for Friday Favorites.


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