Well this week started off in the 60’s while we were in VA visiting friends of ours and ended closing back in on 0 degrees. My sweaters sure are getting their wear this year! Outside of the weather, my week wasn’t too shabby. I got to visit friends, attend a great sample sale and see the Broadway Musical, Beauty and the Beast as they traveled through PA.
Here’s what my phone captured this week:
- Out of all the towns, we had a Boden sample sale here in State College, PA. Not only do I love their women’s clothing, but I’ve been ordering their children’s clothing since I knew I was first pregnant with my son. I was happy to stock up for our family, and a few other families in addition ;)
- My latest t-shirt obsession.
- My sister, mother and I as we headed out to see Beauty and the Beast. We’re such suckers for musical’s, although I tend to sing much quieter than the two of them!
- Does anyone else take advantage of Panera’s baker’s dozen Tuesday’s? For $6.99 I stock up often.
- Well this sweet face sure changed my plans for Thursday. As I was on my way to drop my son off at pre-school, little Miss decided to get sick. All. Over. The. Car. For those that have been here (as I have more than I’d like to count), you know that this is the absolute worst thing you could see when you look in your rear-view mirror. You’re trapped in a car with no where to go and the smell, OH the smell (my apologies for those of you reading this over morning coffee or during your lunch break!). No better time for an early spring-cleaning scrub down! The poor thing was in shock not understanding what had just happened. I’m praying whatever it is passes quickly!
Hoping your week ended a bit more pleasantly than mine did! Enjoy your weekend! xx
Linking up with The Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday