Happy Monday everyone, I hope you had a great weekend! Sometimes our weekends are nice and peaceful and other times they end up jam packed with activities. This was was of those such weekends for us. I’m just now coming up for air and could use a weekend to recoop!
My girlfriend and I took our kids (4 in all) to an amusement park on Friday. Somehow all of the stars aligned for us. The older two were perfectly behaved and got along for the entire afternoon and the younger two were happy as can be and even took naps in their strollers for us (this is always a hit or miss for Madelyn). Jack rode his very first roller coaster and had to keep reminding me that I didn’t need to squeeze the living daylights out of him to keep him safe…oops.
Saturday we had some Jersey friends stop by for a visit. We formed some amazing friendships during our nearly 10 years in Hoboken and it still pains me not to be able to see everyone as often as I’d like. We spent the afternoon swimming, eating, chatting and laughing. Another friend of mine had introduced me to these Cheddar Jalapeño Chicken Burgers, which we decided to entertain with. If you’re starting to tire of the plain old beef burgers you’ve been having all summer, may I introduce your taste buds to something they’ll go crazy over. Top them with guacamole, sour cream and some salsa and you’re in heaven.
That evening my sister came to visit (this would be the perk part of being back in PA). She helped to entertain the kids and once they were down we could relax, aka she could rummage through my old clothes and try to barter with me :)
After church on Sunday morning we met up with Jack’s family who had rented a pontoon boat for the day. What a perfect day we had out in the sun, fishing (without any luck), tubing and water skiing. I still can’t get over my 65 yo FIL out on those water skis. Glad my kids have those genes! Here you’ll also see proof that I’m not always perfectly pulled together, just in case I had anyone fooled. This was also after I had the pleasure of changing a dirty diaper on a boat. I won’t go into details, but it wasn’t pretty. And although it may not always be pretty, life sure is lovely ;)
Hope you all had a great weekend as well!