a lovely living

Toy Guide

Although we try not to overindulge our children, they have certainly ended up with their fair share of toys over the years. I can’t speak for the older ages yet, but for ages 0-5, I’m well aware of what their favorites have become. I put together 11 toys that have been played with regularly over the years and although I’ve arranged them from youngest to oldest, I can vouch that my youngest plays with the older toys just as much as my oldest continues to play with some of the ‘baby’ toys. So basically, these toys have been worth the investment. And even if you don’t have children this age of your own, chances are you you have nieces, nephews, grandchildren or friends that you’ll be buying for this Christmas. Hopefully this helps!



1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / / 7 / 8 / 9 / 10 / 11

If you’re a parent (or a gift giver that wants to go one step beyond), please don’t forget to have your batteries on hand this season! We have certainly made that mistake before and it’s not a pretty sight since many of the above gifts require them. We tend to stock up on Duracell batteries in our home because I trust their dependency. So as your friendly reminder, don’t make the mistake of not having them on hand! You’ll thank me later ;)

*This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/Duracell but all thoughts remain my own.


  • Whitney says:

    Thanks for this post! We only have one niece and we rarely get to see her…so I am not up on what toys are fun. I’ll be consulting this list soon!

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