Hi friends! I hope you all had a great weekend. The weather was perfectly gorgeous which I always appreciate. I’m currently with my husband in NJ meeting with a new Lyme specialist that he was referred to. I haven’t updated you much lately on his condition, but there unfortunately hasn’t been much that has changed. Don’t get me started on what a frustrating disease this is! If you would, keep him in your thoughts/prayers today. This guy sure needs some relief. While we’re busy with all of that, I’m keeping my mind preoccupied with pieces I’m loving lately and sharing them with you all. Not much rhyme or reason to any of it but I’d happily add any one all of these items to my closet! Anything strike your fancy?
I’m loving all the plaid button downs I’m seeing this season! I also love that style of dress you have featured.
I will pray for you and your husband today!