It’s interesting to think about what your everyday go-to items are. The items you’d have a hard time getting along without. I’m not talking food, water, shelter here, but more of the things you’ve become all too comfortable with. I asked my husband to join in and no joke he rattled of five items in no time flat. When it came to my list, I was blank for a good five minutes! My guess is that these are basically his only five items that would even matter whereas in my case I could likely cover a page (front and back) of my survival needs! This would also explain why he has a fraction of the closet and dresser drawers (and pretty much any other area of our place) to himself. Am I the only one with a minimalist husband?! Most likely not…or at least please humor me ;)
Moving on, here are the lists that my husband and I compiled. Would any of these items be on your list?
At least we have one thing in common! A match made in heaven :)
This would be a great date night conversation topic! Thanks for the inspiration. =)
Oh it would Whitney!
So accurate for the both of you! & beef jerky is an essential for Ant as well;)
But honestly, I need much more to survive…coffee, I forgot coffee! haha
Rich is the less is better, he could pack a back pack for a week trip and I have a regular large suit case with more weight in beauty products than clothes.
All the more reason you are perfect for each other ;) Even each other out!
Great lists!!! Love it :)
Essentials for sure!! ;)
Oh my I wish. My husband is as bad as I am!!! Don’t even get me started on electronics in this house. Now my dad was and always will be a “small duffle for a week” kind of guy. :) great topic!!
Haha! Two peas in a pod ;)