Hey Friday! Did this week fly or was it just me? We enjoyed the week and even the snow. I love when we get a beautiful blanket of snow, it’s such a beautiful sight before it all turns to slush. I wasn’t out playing with the kids this time around, but I hear snow angels were made :)
Here’s a look into my week:
1) A girl who dives into her big brothers toys as soon as he heads off to school :)
2) The nuggets all bundled up. Poor little girl. I don’t think she was thrilled that she had to wear her brother’s old snow pants/boots and a jacket that’s about a year too small for her. Oh well, the troubles of being a younger sibling!
3) Freshly fallen snow as I waited for Jack to arrive home from early dismissed school.
4) Are you all familiar with the Afterlight app? I’ve had it for a while but had forgotten how much I like it. It gives you many more options to play around with before you post to Instagram (or wherever you’re posting). I used it on a few of the above shots. It’s my way of making art :)
5) Have you guys played around with wallpaper in your home? I’m toying around with the idea of the girls potentially sharing a room at some point and I’m in love with this wallpaper to use on an accent wall. I hope they share the same love of colors that I do!
Enjoy your weekend gang!
“The girls” – love it!! :)