Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! Some love it, others find it lame and I fall somewhere in the middle. I’d much rather my husband bring home a bunch of flowers on any ordinary day rather than purchase roses that are marked up like crazy (it is our money after all). But now that we live near family and my sister so sweetly volunteered to babysit for us (thanks Sarah!), we are certainly taking advantage of a night out. Regardless of what your plans are, I hope you’re staying safe and warm! This winter is just out of control!
The rest of my week looked a bit like this:
- Homemade granola from a sweet friend. I’m going to have to look into this.
- What a process it is bundling kids to play in the snow! I swear it takes just as long to dress them as they end up playing outside.
- It’s hard to believe that this little newborn will be going to Kindergarten next year. He was a few weeks old in this photo and now we’re in the process of deciding on and registering for ‘real’ school. Time really flies.
- We had plenty of time to prepare my son’s valentine’s on out snow day. He chose the cards and I chose the treat, can you tell? ;)
- I used this recipe from the Food Network for a pork loin yesterday and it was incredible! I couldn’t understand why my husband was eating every bite as he began carving it until I snuck a piece for myself. Seriously, give it a try.
Enjoy your day and your weekend! See ya Monday!
Linking up with The Lauren Elizabeth for High Five for Friday.
Fun Five! I still haven’t gotten around to making homemade granola yet – thanks for the reminder. Have a great weekend! :)