a lovely living

Guess whose Birthday it is…

Okay, okay, it’s mine! But did you have any idea that I also share my Birthday with Brad Pitt (yeah, that’s right!), Christina Aguilera, Steven Spielberg and Katie Holmes? Somehow I didn’t end up on the big screen, hmm.

32 years ago my mother welcomed me into the world with a bruised tailbone and hives (as a reaction from medication). She should have known she was in for it from that point on! She named me Marisa Christina which she had chosen years prior from a clothing label, setting me up for a love of fashion from day 1. Apparently I was choosing my own clothing and making my own decisions by age 3 (ok maybe it was 2). At that point she must have realized I was my father’s child. He was the one who bought their first house prior to her even seeing it. Thank goodness she had some less decisive and more sympathetic children after me!

I have heard many people claim that their 30’s were the best years of their lives. I honestly have no complaints at this point. Each year continues to be better than the last, I’m married to the man of my dreams (awe) and I have two beautiful children that mesmerize me each day. If anything, I’d rather slow down their aging process as opposed to mine!

Since cake and candles are very prevalent for me today, I thought I would quickly share my all time favorites with you.

My favorite (cup)cake: For those that have been to or live in/around NYC, you’ve most likely tried a cupcake from Magnolia Bakery. I have had my share of cupcakes and this one takes the cake time and time again. Lucky for us out-of-towners, Magnolia ships! It’s not cheap, but maybe just on those special occasions ;)

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My favorite candle: As much as I love a classic Yankee candle, Voluspa just takes candles to a whole new level. I’d love to get my hands (or nose…my apologies for all of the witty-ness today!) on a diptyque candle to see what all the craze is about, but until then, Voluspa has my vote.

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Ok friends, I’m off to enjoy the day. In my case it includes, dropping my son off at school, taking a cycling class, showering, feeding my daughter, picking my son up from school, taking him to his swim lesson and then having the transmission fluid changed in our vehicle. My son however is planning to attend my birthday ‘party’, so there had better be a fun evening lined up for his sake!


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