a lovely living

Getting Organized

Overall I tend to be a fairly organized person. However, after this first week of school I already feel overwhelmed by the slew of paperwork falling my way. I can only image what’s in store in the coming years when I have more than one child in school! In addition to the typical mail/bills, I’m also in the midst of organizing fall classes, practices and meetings. If I don’t figure out a system now, I know I’ll find myself in a hole larger than I’ll want to dig myself out of in no time! As I work through this for myself, I figured I’d share some of the ideas I’m putting together.


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We have a space in our kitchen designated as our landing spot. This is where we keep our mail, keys, paper work and honestly everything that needs to be dealt with. Should you have the room for it, a message board would be a very beneficial piece to have. Perfect to keep the whole family involved and aware of what’s going on and when.


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For the time being, we don’t have a separate place for an office, but for those of you lucky enough to have one, I’ve gathered a bunch of items that I’d fill mine with. Plenty of ways to organize and store the slew of papers coming your way!


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Lastly but just as important, the kids’ chaos. Not only do they bring home loads of paperwork, but they also come home with projects and artwork. I certainly am not one to keep everything, but as I did with preschool, I’ll let my son select his favorite pieces and we’ll keep them on display. We tend to showcase artwork on bedroom doors in our home, but I love the cork boards and art clips shown above. This season also brings sports. And with sports comes gear. I’m the queen of baskets and bins (I only wish I had room for more!).  They’re perfect for holding shoes, hats, cleats, balls etc. A great catch-all to keep everyone’s stuff in place.

Any organizing tips up your sleeve? I’d love to hear!


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