Although it should always be a priority to keep your body healthy and in shape, the start of a new year always gives that extra push or boost of encouragement to get your butt in gear. That, or those darn marketers (which was also my major, ahem) take full advantage of the timing and make you feel guilty if you’re not attempting to lose some weight. I found it humorous that I received an email from Panera encouraging me to lose 5 pounds in 6 weeks. Thanks for the assumption, Panera. Regardless of your reasoning, it’s always a good time to be healthy and I am always more inspired to workout when I have new apparel or gym gear on hand. There’s something invigorating about a new pair of sneakers. They make me feel like I can run twice as far in half the time. Or a new gym bag. Simply packing your bag before work can almost guarantee you’ll make it into the gym after (or before) work. Or for me, as silly as it sounds, a new water bottle adds a little excitement to my workout. Lame? Probably. But it gets me into the gym!
Here is my attempt to inspire a healthier you in 2014, and I am not insinuating that you need to lose any weight ;) What I am insinuating is that if you’re anything like me, maybe a new jacket or headband or yoga mat will give you the extra boost you need to get into the gym (or down to your basement or wherever it may be). It only takes 30 days to create a new habit after all. This way when your gear loses its novelty, you’ll already be well into a healthy habit. And maybe I’ll even add in some healthy recipes for you this year, wouldn’t that be a treat? ;)
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A few of my thoughts:
Brooks Adrenaline have been my go-to sneaker for my short and long distance runs. I’ve tried others but always go back to this pair. The Nike free sneakers are what I wear for cross-training. They are so light that you barely feel them, yet they give your feet the support they need. I’ve tried many sports bras and the Champion bra from Target continues to be my favorite. The Jade yoga mat was recommended by my instructors and although it’s the only one I have ever used, I have no complaints.
Now have at it, ladies! Get out there, kick some butt and look good doing it!
Love this post! If I have to do something, I’d much rather look good while I’m doing it. =)