I hope you all had a great weekend! We hosted a Father’s Day cookout at our house and after cleaning up afterwards I’m now tackling this post and plan on jumping right into bed! Have I mentioned on here that my son joined the swim team at our pool this year? Well he did and it seems that between team, swim lessons for my middle babe and plain old swim time, the pool will be ruling our summer! As long as the sun continues to shine, I’m ok with that! It also helps that Audrey (my 2 year old) adores the water. So much so that she melts down when it’s time to leave. Like, all out tears, screaming, hands straight up (so she falls out of my arms) and bolts back to the pool numerous times! I’m hoping she gets the hang of the whole we leave only so we can come back again process shortly :)
I’ve had this one shoulder top for a little while now and look forward to wearing it each time I’ve gotten to. It’s now on sale (yay!), fully stocked and perfect to have on hand for the rest of the summer! Ruffles, peplum and bows always get me and I may need to add swiss dots to that list as well ;)
Details: LOFT top / Target pants (similar here and here) / Steve Madden heels