Hello from Stone Harbor, NJ! We are down at the shore this week with Jack’s family enjoying the sand in our toes, some sunshine on our faces and too much ice cream in our bellies! This small town is one of my absolute favorites. I love the cute little shops, the quaint streets all perfectly landscaped and the gorgeous homes that provide inspiration for me each morning as I run. This place always inspires and refreshes me and will allow me to return home ready to jump into this new (school) year!
I’ve shared these two pieces with you recently and both the top and pants are must-haves! I love this tank now and will be pairing it under cardigans in another month or so, and these pants just came from the LOFT sale! They can pair with t-shirts, sweatshirts or even a cute chambray button-up. Tons of possibilities!
One quick side-note, I have a fun little giveaway happening over on Instagram. Check out my latest post so you can enter!
Details: Top / Pants / Earrings / Sandals / Sunglasses
Your hair is “spot on!”