Since we moved in to our condo in March, I have been slowly working on my son’s room. He shared a room with his baby sister while we were in Hoboken, so I’m enjoying creating a space of his own. I wanted to skip the whole toddler, kiddie bedding because A) I’m not a huge fan of any of it and B) I’d be buying new bedding as soon as he grew out of it in no time at all.
I’ve been piecing it all together and here’s a look at how it’s coming together:
Potterybarn Kids bed, Serena and Lily bedding, Land of Nod alphabet decals, storage basket and bins, Penny Lane dresser, Target cube storage
Now you can see why I was thrilled to come across this orange chest, right? I feel like it’s perfect for a boys room and pulls the whole color scheme together. I’m so thankful my son doesn’t have too strong of an opinion on his room decor at this point. I’m going to have some major issues when he does!
I’ll be sure to share the finished product once everything is in order!